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From September 26-28, 2025, Musky anglers from around the country will come to Rhinelander to compete in one of the most historic Musky tournaments in the nation.


The catch-and-release tournament will be headquartered at the Rhinelander Ice Arena and fishing will take place on area lakes. This tournament is a "self judge" format with many safeguards in place to provide for accurate measurements and results.  Cash prizes to the top ten teams as well as prizes for the the largest musky, the largest northern pike, and more. If you’re a musky fisherman or just someone interested in the sport, don’t miss the Hodag Musky Challenge!


Group 1: Boom Lake / WI River
Group 2: Moen Chain
Group 3: Pelican Lake
Group 4: Lake George
Group 5: Crescent Lake

Group 6: Bearskin Lake

Group 7: Lake Julia

Group 8: Sugar Camp Chain (Sand, Dam, Stone, Echo, Chain)


The 2025 HMC Prize Payout schedule shown is based upon 100 teams participating. Payouts through 10th place will be adjusted based upon the actual number of teams participating.  Note: These payouts WILL change based on the number of teams entered.  1st place is GUARANTEED $10,000


Place         Prize Money          

1st             $10,000

2nd            $2,625

3rd             $1,575

4th             $1,365

5th             $1,155

6th             $1,050

7th             $840

8th             $630

9th             $420

10th           $315


Largest Musky: The largest Musky caught and successfully released during the weekend of the tournament will win a cash price of $1,000 (in addition to any other eligible price money)


11th Place Drawing: Each team that catches and successfully releases a qualifying (34"+) Musky but does not finish in the top 10 will be entered into a drawing on Sunday to win $300


Largest Northern: The largest Northern caught during the Tournament will win $300


Lake Winner: The teams that catch the largest musky on each lake will be entered into a drawing.  At the awards ceremony one winner will be randomly selected to win $500.


Determination of HMC Tournament Cash Prizes & Placements Cash prizes will be awarded on a point system: Thirty (30) points for each thirty-four (34) inch or larger Musky, plus one point for each one-quarter (1/4) inch over thirty-four (34) inches. For example a 44 inch musky would be worth 70 points. Fish not successfully released will be assessed a 20 point penalty. Prizes will be based on total points accumulated during the two days of fishing.

Presented by the Northwoods United Way
Rhinelander Ice Association
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